How to make Iced Chrysanthemum Tea

Iced Chrysanthemum Tea

Iced chrysanthemum tea is one of the most popular drinks in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, available in markets and restaurants. It is made by steeping chrysanthemum flowers in boiling water and sweetening with sugar.

Chrysanthemum tea is said to be good for the heart and eyes, curing headaches and calming the mind. Serve either hot or iced.

Recipe for Iced Chrysanthemum Tea


  • 1/2 oz dried chrysanthemum
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup sugar (or other sweetener) or to taste


  1. Rinse dried chrysanthemum under running water and drain.
  2. Bring dried chrysanthemum and water to a rolling boil for 20 to 30 minutes.
  3. Add the sugar towards the end of the boiling time. Stir to dissolve. Remove from heat.
  4. Pour the boiled chrysanthemum juice through a filter.
  5. Discard the chrysanthemum. Allow the juice to cool.
  6. Refrigerate and serve over ice.
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  1. Anonymous

    great post! thanks! im feeling thirsty already..

  2. Anonymous

    thanks from Cornwall, England! just what we need forahot summer’s day!
